Wolf Dogs at the Sanctuary

Akela was born approximately January 2017. Records are not exact., She was confiscated by law enforcement from a home where she was being neglected and abused. Akela has been with our pack since January of 2020. Akela has always been an animal with more anxiety due to her upbringing and is very unsocial. She is a beautiful girl, very sweet but just does not respond well to human stimuli. She is much more receptive to her 4-legged pack members, and since our goal is to establish trust, and let them live with dignity, we allow her to have her space so she can be happy and feel secure with her pack. Akela's DNA was done by an assisting sanctuary before being transported and shows to be just under 72% wolf.

Amazon is approximately 2 years old and came into rescue on 02/01/24 after being captured running at large. He was stealing amazon packages, shoes and other items off people's porches and spying the on them through the windows. Amazon is a higher content animal and is very skittish. Such a beautiful animal , we are honored to have him in our pack.

Aristotle *Passed Away*
Aristotle came to us in September of 2018 with not much information about him. We were told he was approximately 14 years old. When he arrived, he was in a very unhealthy state at about 42 pounds. His DNA showed he was 78% gray wolf. He had not been neutered and at that age we felt it was not in his best interests.. We only had Ari for a short time. He was a dominant animal and was very sweet at times, but was also a boy who wanted to be in charge. Aristotle passed away peacefully on his own in September 2020 with us close by. He knew he was loved and we did all we could to show him love, compassion and care. We were sad his time with us was so short because we believe he deserved so much better than what he was given for most of his life.

Athena *Passed Away*
Athena was born in March of 2008 to a breeder/hoarder. She was one of our first rescues in 2014. Athena and her mate Zeus were the reason we started this nonprofit. Athena lived most of her life in kennel with a concrete floor. She was never allowed to walk on grass or experience love. Athena and her companion Zeus came to live with us in November of 2014 after being surrendered by the owner. Athena developed cancer in 2019 and passed in August of that same year with us by her side. She was a very sweet girl, full of fear, but could be taken out for walks in the grass along the river bank, which she loved.

Ebony was approximately 8 years when she came to us in 2019. Ebi lost her home due to her owner passing away, and the closest family was unable to keep her. Ebony is an unsocialized animal and prefers her privacy. She loves her pack and prefers them for company rather than humans. She is somewhat territorial of her enclosure. We have not done DNA but estimate her to be on the low end of mid-content.

Freyja was born in February 2013, and after having 3 different homes fail her, she was brought into sanctuary in 2017. Freyja is a lovely mid-content girl who is standoffish at first but eventually learns to trust. She has an independent personality and chooses how much interaction will happen. Some days she shows very little interest and prefers her pack members.

Gandolph *Passed Away*
Gandolph came to 4 Corners Wolf in February of 2017 after being picked up running at large in an illegal county. After DNA by the shelter, he was not returned to the owner. Gandolph was a low content animal, very sweet, but a little shy when you first meet. Records show he was born in January 2014.

Hachi *Passed Away*
Hachi was born August 06, 2014 and was pulled from a shelter in California. He had been picked up running at large, the owner came in and walked out leaving him there. Hachi was not up for adoption and was being held in the back room. Hachi has a very picky personality and he either likes you or he doesn't. The folks at the shelter were very uncomfortable handing him because he can behave aggressively and is well over 100 pounds.
Hachi loves some people and cannot contain his distaste for others. While they claimed he is mostly Siberian Husky, there may possibly be some wolf and possibly some mal or Pyrnees. We have never bothered to do DNA. We love him just the way he is, and he has been with us since 2017. This is his home!

Jax *Passed Away*
Jax was a beautiful, shy, sweet low content wolf dog. He endured years of abuse at the hands of multiple owners. After being removed from the abusers he met a man who he immediately bonded with. Sadly, a short couple months later, the man suddenly passed. Jax came to us then in late summer 2020. He shyness faded as he got comfortable, and he was such a gentle soul. Born in January 2012 Jax was already a senior by the time we had the honor of knowing him. Jax passed peacefully on his own in October of 2023.

Kaos was born January 10, 2020. His owner had adopted Kaos, and his bonded brother Tank. They are very close to each other and have never been apart. After a separation and some serious health issues the owner was forced to contain them in a garage until placement was found.
While Kaos is a very shy guy, he is equally as sweet and warms up after a bit. He is very playful. Kaos and Tank are housed together as they are extremely attached to each other.
These two boys arrived here at sanctuary in August of 2023.

Kaya was born in March of 2015, and by the time she was 9 months old she had been dumped in a shelter, adopted out and then re-dumped. Kaya is a high energy girl and is somewhat standoffish with most people at first. While she is mostly husky shepherd mix, her DNA results showed a very low percentage of wolf. She has always been highly destructive which was much of the reason her past homes didn't last. Kaya has been with us since December 2015. We love her dearly!

Little Lana
Little Lana was born around February of 2017 and came to sanctuary in July 2017. Lana has been very shy and feral since she was born. Despite many attempts by several people, she has never become social. She has remained standoffish, and while she does not act fearful, she does not feel comfortable with touch. She prefers her companion and her pack for all her entertainment and affection. While she is very small girl, her DNA came back at 28% wolf. We love our tiniest girl very much and always let our pack members choose how much socializing they are comfortable with and we strive to watch for their ques.

Little Bear, "Boo"
Little Bear came into sanctuary at the young age of 5 months after being dumped at a shelter in an illegal county. Little Bear was born early in 2020. He is the sweetest boy in the whole world. He is an exception to the patterns we normally see as he acts like he has never met a stranger. Friendly to everyone! His DNA results show him to be 61% wolf and as you can see, he is also a very unique color.

Naudia is a very low content girl and she is super sweet. Her favorite thing is tummy rubs and immediately drops and rolls over. Naudia was found running at large extremely emaciated and picked up by animal control. As always, any animal that is suspected of having wolf cannot be adopted out and will be euthanized if sanctuary cannot be found. Naudia became part of our pack in April of 2017 at the estimated age of 2 years old.

Nyx is our newest and a high content 6-month-old pup that is 90% wolf. She is very sweet and also extremely curious and wants to get into everything! We brought to the sanctuary in August 2024. Nyx came from Texas after a few unfortunate events happened and the people could not keep her. We have the hope that she will become an ambassador for 4 Corners Wolf

Onyx was born in April 2018 and became a pack member in November 2018. He came from a breeder who became ill and had to close. Onyx had not been socialized or bonded with anyone. He is very hands off. He will approach and smell, even touch you with his nose as long as you do not attempt to touch him. His is a mid content animal at about 45%. He is a favorite to photograph as he is so photogenic.

Raven is sweet as pie is estimated at over 80% in content. She is super shy with strangers, but very friendly and sweet if she has a chance to get to know you. Raven became a pack member at the young age of 7 weeks. She was donated by a breeder who was shutting down! Raven was born in early March 2020.

Renn is a low content wolf dog that became a pack member in December 2021. Born in July 2021 Renn is very unsocialized. He fears touch but loves to trash talk when he gets a chance. He is sweet just very fearful. His happiness is in his 4-legged pack. Renn lost his home because of his fear and his ability to escape a less than secure yard. We believe he has faced abuse as he shows signs of being kept in a crate for excessive amounts of time. He still goes potty like he is in a kennel and forced to use a corner. Even with plenty of room, this habit has never changed

Nala was born in March 2017, and lived her entire life as a house pet. She is a mid-content girl with a very sweet & social disposition. Her family loved her deeply, but due to an unforeseen incident they had to make a decision to rehome Nala. They no longer felt it was safe to keep her in their home. Watch for updates, as Nala may become an ambassador!

Sundance was living in an illegal state after his owner was transferred. The state discovered him after a car accident and his escape. Once he was recaptured they allowed him time to find placement for him. Sunny D as we like to call him is a very low content and so sweet. He was 13 months old when he arrived here in 2016.

Tank is Kaos brother. Tank came along with his brother into sanctuary after his 2 footed dad abandoned him and his brother leaving them with his sweet mama. Unfortunately she has serious medical issues and could not care for them alone. She wanted them to remain together as they are so bonded. These boys are very low content, fairly shy but very sweet and playful. Tank was born in January 2020 and became a pack member in August 2023

Tsume is approximately 70% wolf. He was born 04/16/2015 and became a pack member in early 2020. His owner's family dynamics changed with the birth of a child and he began exhibiting stress and jealousy over the child. The owners requested placement due to safety concerns. Tsume is a sweet, gentle well-behaved guy. He can be an escape artist; however we have had no problems. He seems happy and content here with us and we love him so much! He can be a little shy but warms up so fast.

Wayaho was DNA'd at 35% wolf. He became a pack member in January 2022. Wayaho's owner could not keep him contained and he was going after smaller animals, and was being kept in an illegal county. His owners decided to do what was best and brought him to us. He had been through two different owners, the first was abusive. He is super sweet but standoffish especially with men. He is a truly a gentle giant.

Willow is a sweet low content girl that was sold as a 75% high content wolfdog by an unscrupulous breeder. She was born in August 2017 and became a pack member in April 2019. Her owners were having a very hard time keeping her contained and she was threatening livestock in the area. Neighbors were trying to shoot her, so fearing for her life she was moved to 4 Corners Wolf. Willow is actually only 28% wolf. She is super friendly and sweet. We love her so much!

Zeus *Passed Away*
Zeus was one of our first. He was Athenas lifelong mate. Zeus arrived in 2014 after living his life in a small kennel on concrete. He came in with a tumor or growth on his elbow. It was in a spot that was not operable without some severe repercussions for healing. We believe it had everything to do with his former lifestyle. Zeus was shy but very gentle and sweet. He loved to walk along the river and wade in the water, or lounge laying down in his own private kiddie pool. Zeus passed away in February of 2016 from cancer.