Other Animals at the Sanctuary

Greta is a full blood Belgian Malinois. We rescued her after she attacked the family cat and they were going to kill her. Greta is a beautiful, sweet girl, but has one condition that has kept her as a sanctuary animal that cannot be adopted out. She has extreme aggression for other animals, regardless of type or size. Greta was born in September 2018 and became a different sort of pack member with the wolves in October 2022. We had a trial adoption with an experienced handler that did not work out, and she has been worked with and evaluated by two trainers. Both agreed she would need to be the only animal in the home. At this point we believe it would only cause more stress and upset for her to rehome her. She has a developed routine and has decompressed. She believes she is home, and we will not allow her to feel that let down again, so she will stay.

Lily Bug
Lillybug is a husky/shepherd cross who was falsely labeled a wolf dog by a local shelter. We took her in as she had been at the shelter for over 6 months and faced possible euthanasia. This poor girl had a rough time. She was picked up running at large, was pregnant and had 11 babies. She lost all her babies to Giardia. We had to save her and we were able to do DNA for the main purpose of educating on the mislabeling. We did DNA and she is exactly what we anticipated. No wolf content at all. We were trying to adopt her out, but had no luck, and then she bonded very strongly with Wayaho, so we will let her stay and hope they both live happily ever after.

Lock Jaw *Passed Away*
Lock jaw came from a shelter in Clovis, NM in June 2019. It would seem everyone was failing him. His owner stated he had not been feeling well and he couldn't handle being in the house with the little ones. So they dumped him. Lockjaw was transferred to us where we immediately took him to the vet to access his poor condition in hopes of a full recovery. His nails were overgrown and odd looking, and his overall health was very bad. After blood tests and exam, we discovered that he had ruptured discs in his back, and a condition with his nails that related to other medical problems and was in heart failure. This poor guy had to endure extra days of suffering because no one else would examine and make the kindest decision. Unfortunately, we weren't able to save him, but at least we were able to love him for a moment and then gently help end his pain and suffering.

Miss Mojo is a Scarlett Macaw. She was hatched on July 16th, 2004. She is a beautiful girl, and sweet once she gets to know you and feels like you are a familiar face. Mojo had a great home, however in 2019 her owner was forced to find her a safe place due to lung issues. Mojo is a joy to have around. She does have her own issues. She is a Plucker which is a behavioral issue and has lot of feathers missing. She also suffered a fall in her younger years and due to the fall, she injured her rotator cuff. It could not be surgically repaired. She has also had issues with her thyroid but seems to be ok without medication. We love our featherless flock member!
Siren *Passed Away*
Beautiful, sweet Siren became a pack member in 2015 after a shelter in California was going to euthanize her. She had severe flystrike on her ears and was being obstinate about allowing them to treat her. She was surrendered by her owner who had also stated that if they didn't take her, he was planning on killing her. Siren was born in 2009. Siren passed away in early 2020 after cancer was discovered in fer feet. Tumors were forming and pushing her toenails out, it began to effect her mobility. We had to assist her across the rainbow bridge and set her free.

Tootsie is a mix, most likely of everything under the sun. We think she may have some Beagle, possibly some Heeler. Tootsie showed up dumped and abandoned and sick. No chip and no one reported her missing. We took her to the vet where they discovered a tick in her ear. It was removed and she was spayed, she was actually in heat as well. We tried to network her to find an adopter, however it never happened. She too has become a pack member and house munchkin. Toots became a pack member in May 2022 and was estimated to be about 7 months old at that time.